Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

Costa Rica has two seasons – rainy (invierno) and dry (verano).  When we moved here two months ago, I noticed the weather pattern of upper 70s/lower 80s with a light rain in the afternoon and found it charming.

While we are almost at the end of the rainy season that runs from May through November, we have entered an unusually rainy period.  What was initially charming has become mildly annoying.  It started raining last Monday, 10/10 and hasn’t stopped!  It probably rains from light to heavy about 80% of the day.  The news states that it should continue to rain until Wednesday and this has been one of the longest stretches of rain in recent history.

All of this humidity has caused the following:
  • The front door has swelled and has to be leaned/pushed against in order to open and close.  Other doors in our house will not even close.
  • The metal salt shaker rusted so I put some salt in a ceramic shaker.  The holes kept getting clogged so a friend gave me a plastic salt shaker with bigger holes.  It has to be tapped against the table frequently for the salt to come out.
  • I cannot take David out to play or for a walk.
  • Even though there is lots of water outside, the water on our street was out for four hours yesterday morning.

While these minor inconveniences are temporary, I cannot dismiss the gravity of the rain that has devastated neighboring countries. 

I have been told that the dry season is just that – not a drop of rain for months.  In a few months, I am sure that I will be missing some of this humidity.  The grass is always greener on the other side.  J