Several of our family and friends have asked for our address in order to mail us letters and care packages. Please know that it is not my intention to avoid this inquiry because we love to receive mail. It’s just that we don’t have a traditional mailing address; we don’t even have a mailbox! How can that be, you ask? Mailing bills, letters, cards, and such is not done the way we do it in the United States. While it may seem frustrating not to have an address, the good thing is that we don’t get any junk mail!
If you would like to send us a letter or card, please write to:
Enrique Govea, SJO 20066
APDO 424-1260
Plaza Colonial, EscazĂș, Costa Rica
If you would like to send any kind of package to us, please e-mail me and I’ll give you the address.
We would love to hear from you!