Thursday, November 17, 2011

What can separate us from God's love?

When your baby is born, you have a deep love for him.  He did not do anything to deserve that love, but you love him because he is yours; he is a part of you.  He came from you. 

As a baby, he does not do anything to make you love him.  He does not pick up after himself.  He does not buy you flowers.  He does not take you out to eat.  He just lays there, eats, sleeps, and cries.  Cries and cries and cries.  But you love him anyway.  Especially when he is sleeping. 

When he grows older and does things that you do not like or says things that hurt you, you still love him.  Even though he does not understand the sacrifices that you have made for him and he takes you for granted, you love him so much.

Did you know that God loves you much more?  Even if you do not love Him back, He still loves you.  Even if you have chosen not to obey Him, He loves you.  If you have no desire to read the Bible and do not go to church, He still loves you.  Even if you do not believe in Hi, God loves you.  What you do or do not do does not quantify His love for you.  God loved us before we even heard of or knew His name.  Before we were born!

There are many verses in the Bible that show us how much God loves us, cares for us, watches over us, and longs for us to know Him, but I will mention just one – Romans 8:39.

"nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us."