Thank you for praying for the list of people that I posted last Tuesday. I am excited to tell you that the first meeting went very well. Edgar and Milena expected five people to show up, but there were actually 10 people! As we went around the room introducing ourselves and then talking throughout the night, it was great to be surrounded by people at different spiritual levels.
There was a woman from another religion who is amazed at her Christian friend's peace (during times of unemployment) and wants that tranquility for herself. That providential relationship baffled the lawyer seated next to Enrique who couldn't believe that someone can have peace at such a time. She is a control freak and would love to know how to have that peace as well.
Someone else shared that six years ago, her baby niece drowned in a pool. Once they got her to a hospital, she was revived after not having taken a breath for 35 minutes. What a miracle! That moment was a pivotal circumstance that really grew her faith.
Since last Tuesday was a night of introductions, tomorrow night will be the first night of the study, "Five Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith". We appreciate your continued prayers for the people in this small group as they learn how to grow closer to God in different ways.