Enrique and I attended our first staff meeting yesterday and were grateful to observe how each person has unique talents, interests, and abilities that are assets when used together as a team. They were discussing issues that I had not even thought of which means that they are the right people for their particular positions. Please allow me to introduce you to (some of) the team (that was present yesterday) and samples of some of their comments/concerns:
- Michelle - Host Team Director (in charge of parking lot volunteers and greeters) - What is the minimum age for a volunteer to work in the parking lot? (There was a teenager there and concern was raised over liability.) In the event of a tremor, how do we calmly and securely evacuate the building? Is there money in the budget to purchase 10 umbrellas for the volunteers who are outside (since it rains everyday)?
- Chris - Communications - How can we record Sunday's service so that the nursery volunteers can either watch or listen to it later so that they can be spiritually fed as well (since we only have one service/every two Sundays)? Is it a possibility to have a screen outside so that the parking lot volunteers can watch/hear the sermon?
- Tizi - UpStreet (elementary school-aged children) Director and everything else! - We need to provide snacks and bottled water for the volunteers.
- Ashley - Waumba Land (nursery) Director - We need to have labels to put on the children's backs to identify them, but they need to be stickier. The ones we used two weeks ago kept coming off. We need music that coincides with the monthly truth that we are teaching the children. I need more volunteers!
- Julio - Pastor - He began teaching a Starting Point class (10-week Bible study for seekers, returners, and new believers) this week and has gained a new perspective on how seekers view God adn religion. As a result, he reminded us that we must keep the focus on our visitors by creating a warm, attractive, relevant environment where people feel welcome and want to hear more about how to have a deeper relationship with God and start living the abundant life that He offers all of us.
- Enrique - Small Groups (Bible study) Director and I.T. guy - We are going to start leading our first married small group next week. Enrique has been busy helping out with the design of promotional materials and fielding any questions that the other small group leaders have.
- Me - I do not have a defined role yet besides supporting Enrique in what he does and taking care of David. I'm just learning the ropes so I'll help in any way I can. This Sunday, I will be a nursery volunteer.
I asked these and other staff members for prayer requests and they listed the following two:
- That God will guide us in every decision that we make concerning Openhouse (that's the name of the church).
- May God use all of the children's volunteers to transform their little hearts.
Thank you for lifting up our staff and their concerns.