Sunday, December 30, 2012

If our stories were included in the Bible...

The Bible is a compilation of stories written by over 40 authors of how God moved in their lives and the lives of others.  Even though the Bible is complete, that doesn’t mean that God stopped working.  He continues to write His story of provision, protection, blessing, healing, forgiveness, mercy, and redemption in our lives today.
After reading a portion of Genesis yesterday, I decided to begin writing a little of my story to add to the mix.  Unlike the stories in the Bible, all of our shortcomings are not included here, but like the Bible, the focus is on how great the LORD is with us, though we are underserving.
(The words in parentheses remind me of stuff that happened in the Bible.)

Winter 2008Jennifer’s mother had fallen ill and her body had succumbed to a consuming cancer.  But the LORD was with Jennifer and she became pregnant.  Her mother was able to enter into Heaven knowing that her only daughter was with child.
Jennifer’s mother passed away on April 10, 2008.  It was a sad day for all, but the LORD was with Jennifer and gave her His peace that passes understanding.  She mourned the loss of her mother with whom she had a very close friendship, but she is completely at peace with the situation.  Jennifer feels like her mother was here as an angel to instruct her and now that she is grown, it was time for her mother to return back to Heaven.  (Philippians 4:7)

Fall 2011 – Enrique and Jennifer decided to take their toddler son and move to an unknown land where the LORD had told them to go.  The language, food, and customs were different and the cost of living was high, but the LORD provided for every need and continues to do so. (Abraham)

Spring 2012 – Ashley needed a nursery director so she looked upon Jennifer for help.  Although Jennifer did not feel capable of such a position, she acquiesced provided that the LORD would guide her steps, which He did.  (Moses and Isaiah)

Kelsey needed a place to live on the other side of the city in order to be closer to her work with Openhouse.  Edgar and Raquel could plainly see that the LORD was with Enrique and Jennifer so they granted Kelsey access to their home without even having met her.  She resided there for five months.  (Abimelech, Genesis 26:28)

Summer 2012 – Enrique led his small group through a curriculum entitled “Text”.  Although Jennifer was present at the “live” sermon when Andy Stanley preached it at North Point a couple of years ago, it wasn’t until now that Jennifer decided to commit to the discipline of reading God’s word on a consistent basis.
Jennifer began to journal her understandings, questions, and revelations and the Bible became fresh and exciting.  Reading it turned into a pleasurable moment that she looked forward to rather than an arduous task.   She continues this activity to today.  (Rachel’s grave, Genesis 35:20)

November 2012 – Julio and Enrique flew to Atlanta for a conference at North Point.  This time with other pastors and small group leaders who have a similar calling and method was refreshing and rejuvenating for both men who went back to Costa Rica with a renewed sense of purpose.
Julio visited six small groups – both women’s and couples’ – and was excited to see how much of an impact these groups had on the participants.  His enthusiasm to get people into groups increased.

December 2012 – Enrique and Jennifer went on a coffee tour with their small group and were reminded of why they moved to Costa Rica.  To “do life” with four couples and walk with them on their spiritual journey is worth the daily irritations of living in a foreign land.
Our small group and their families (one couple is missing).

Jennifer had a final dinner with her women’s small group which was the perfect way to end the group.  She and her friends were able to celebrate their time together in the new home of Rocío, a seeker of the LORD.  Rocío recognizes that all blessings come from the LORD.
My women's small group.

Fall/Winter 2012 – Enrique obeyed the LORD by giving a consistent percentage of all funds received – be it salary, translation projects, or rent money - back to God.
The LORD honored Enrique and Jennifer’s obedience by giving them money that they were not expecting through new translation projects, extra donations, and a year-end bonus.
Jennifer praised the LORD calling Him Jehovah Jireh – The LORD will provide.

2012 – The LORD’s favor rested upon Enrique and Jennifer and allowed them to form relationships with the local people.  Enrique and Jennifer were able to invest in the lives of neighbors (Christian and Annia), David’s friends’ families (Omar, Tiffany, Rosa, Henry, and Elena), their new church family, and even strangers (Marisol).

This story is just a minute sampling of God's hand in our lives and our story continues to be written.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Young Life Christmas Party - Part II

This is how it really went...

A couple of weeks ago, my husband was in a planning meeting for the Young Lives Christmas party and called me to ask if I could put together a two-hour program for 60 kids ages five and under.  I immediately said no which caused him a lot of angst (since he already told the other people in the meeting that I would be more than happy to do it).  Once I realized that I didn’t have to write a play or put on a puppet show – that I could just “recycle” a Waumba Land lesson or two – I was on board.

As the days went by, a two-hour program turned into three hours.  I wasn’t going to know who my volunteers were until a few minutes before we received the children (since the volunteers could decide if they wanted to help out with children, set up tents, or serve food).  That meant that I only had 30 minutes to get the music started; explain how to man the registration table; divide the tasks of and explain all of the activities, Bible stories, and crafts that I wanted to do; and decide how we were dividing up the children.  The space that I had to receive the children was very bland and I needed to “jazz it up a bit” (as my grandmother says).
Me going over the day's strategy with some eager-to-serve volunteers.
Once the doors opened, it was a bit chaotic.  These children are not used to leaving their mothers AT ALL nor socializing with other kids, and some of the moms were skeptical of leaving their children with us strangers.  Sufficed to say that there was a lot of crying going on in a room with an echo.  My strict schedule that I created to keep me and the volunteers organized flew out the window!  It turned more into crowd control rather than a structured time of teaching children about Jesus being born and the Wise Men going to visit him.
My wonderful volunteers, Laura and Vanessa,
who told the Bible story to these two sisters. 
I had to continually remind myself of something that I said to motivate my volunteers, “The most important components of today’s event is not the lesson, but being the hands and feet of Christ by showing His love to these young mothers and their children by smiling, greeting them warmly, and providing a caring, safe environment for the kids.”

After the moms picked up their little ones, lots of people asked me how it went.  I was worn out from receiving kids, finding juice boxes, making crafts, and answering lots of volunteers’ questions.  I didn’t think that my part of the event went well because it didn’t go according to my plan.  But I must remember that my plan doesn’t matter.  It’s God’s plan that matters. 

We showed up to serve, the kids eventually calmed down, and some of the older ones actually learned the Bible verse!  The moms had lots of fun acting silly and feeling carefree for a few hours.  They felt something that a lot of them don’t get at home – love.  So how did it go?  Perfect!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Young Life Christmas Party - Part I

One out of every five babies in Costa Rica is born to a teenage mother.  The majority of these young moms live below the poverty line and have suffered emotional and physical abuse.  Eighty percent of the girls in the Young Lives program have suffered from sexual abuse - many times from family members.

While these staggering statistics seems like things are hopeless, they are not!  Young Life is a ministry that has chosen to step into the gap and reach out to these teenagers.  If they do not feel like going to church, then the church will go to them!  They are given a woman mentor who meets with them on a regular basis to encourage, exhort, and pray for them.  The culmination of this year's journey was a two-day camp last weekend.  To celebrate their progress and end the year on a high note, our church helped to host their annual Christmas party.  Openhouse helping out Young Lives was part of our Be Rich campaign.

People from our church signed up to help out in different ways:  set up the carnival-like event, take care of the babies, organize the games, serve lunch, make cupcakes (to celebrate Jesus' birthday), and clean up afterward.
Craft time (making picture frames)
Before the actual party, several of our small groups chose a night to go out and buy beauty products to make gift baskets for the girls.  Basic personal care items were bought and some of the girls had to be taught how to use shower gel or body lotion, for example.
Volunteers with some of the gift baskets.

The girls were so excited to ride on a chartered bus to the Christmas party.
Volunteers welcoming the moms and their kids to the party.
We took care of their little ones while they had fun jumping in the bouncy houses, getting temporary tattoes, eating cotton candy, playing games, and winning prizes.
Bouncy houses in the background and moms
standing in line to play one of the many games.
They were also served the traditional Christmas food of tamales, received their beauty gift baskets, and heard an inspirational message.  I like something that Enrique said: they were able to forget about their family and financial problems and just be teenagers for a few hours.
Enrique encouraging the volunteers at the end of the event.
One girl said that the Christmas party was the best one that she had ever attended.  Another one said that she hadn't had that much fun in years.
The Bible says that it is more blessed to give than to receive.  I always thought that that verse meant that it is nicer to give than to receive.  Through projects like this one, it is easy to understand the meaning - when you give of your time and resources, you turn out being the one blessed.  Even though our church members went to give, they walked away feeling grateful and blessed for the opportunity to serve.
Openhouse volunteers

I pray that this project will be the beginning of an ongoing partnership with Young Lives for our church members and that these girls and their children will grow up learning about God and His desire for them to trust and obey.